September 13, 2011

Snow Skin Moon Cake - Bánh dẻo

Moon Festival - 2011

This year, our family spit in two so we didn't celebrate the Moon Festival at all. I just tried to make a few of the white moon cake; however, it turned out ok, it shape stand very well. I tried 2 method

1 -


200g fried glutinous flour
200g icing sugar
50g shorterning (I tried 100g but it was very oily)
200ml cold ưater
1 tsp Amyl Acetate

Mix all ingredients together, than let it rest for about 1/2 an hour to 1 hour .

2 -

1 cup fried glutinous flour
1 1/4 cup sugar syrup (made a week ahead)
2 tsp oil
2 tsp amyl acetate
2 tsp lemon juice

In a bow, mix well sugar syrup with amyl acetate, then lemon juice, then oil . Use a whisk pour flour over a shifter then whisk the flour into a smooth mixture, be careful not to make it lumpy. Leave the mixture for about 1 hour, cover with plastic wrap.

To make sugar syrup

6 cups sugar
5 cup water
1 Tbsp lemon juice

In a pan, mix sugar and water together cook until broil about 30 minutes (do not stir at this time, then add lemon juice mix well - cook another 5 minutes . Turn off heat cover pan, be sure to put a small towel before the lid so that the water do not drop back to the pan .

When cool, put in a jar for a few day or a week before use

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