March 1, 2012

Thit nuong

Gia vi gom^` co'

Xa, toi, hanh` huong bam nhuyen (blender)
Ngu vi huong
mau` dieu^`
mat^. ong
soy sauce
chicken powder
a bit of salt

Ga` Roti/ Vietnamese Roasted Chicken

4 chicken legs (poke knife into legs to have good marination)
1 can Coco Rico
1 tsp thick soy sauce
Soy sauce and sugar
Marinate chicken with a bit of 5 spices, salt, black pepper

Heat 2 Tbsp oil, add chiken fry until golden (take out oil if you want) then add garlic then coco water and a bit of thick soy sauce - cook until chicken is cooked and water almost dry up, add soy sauce and sugar as needed .

Dishes from Temple

Tofu kho thom, ca` chua

shredded cu cai xao` shredded tofu (man)

canh khoai mon^(microwave), nam^' ngo` gai

cha trung chien (phu` chuc' , eggs, hanh` xanh and củ hành)

măng xào ớt

cải xanh xào gừng or canh
mít non kho khô and ớt trái loai màu cam, đỏ (not bell pepper)
Lẩu  - rau đọt đậu hoà lan, rau muống, cải cúc, cà chua ...
          tất cả các loại nấm
          khoai môn, bí nhật
          Nước xúp lon or cà rốt, bắp, củ cải trắng, củ sắn, su su ....

Mustard Green with Ginger

Mustard Green cut into bite size
Ginger Shredded
minced garlic and onion
salt, chicken powder, sugar, fish sauce

Boil water with a bit of salt and oil - when boiled add mustard green about 2 minutes then take out (to keep green you can soak in cold water or ice)

Heat 1 Tbsp then add galic, onion until fragrant then add ginger stir a bit then add mustard green -- add a bit of salt, chicken powder, sugar and fish sauce to your taste

Dưa cải chua xào thịt heo quay/ Pickled Green mustard w/ crispy baked pork


1/2 lbs crispy baked pork/ heo quay
about 1 bowl (1 qt.) pickled green mustard
2 - 3 tomatoes - cut in 8th
Minced - garlic, onion, ginger
1/2 tsp Salt
1 tsp granulated chicken powder
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 Tbsp fish sauce
1/4 cup water
Black pepper
Green onion chopped

In a skillet with medium heat, put in oil then garlic, onion, ginger stir fry until fragrant - add meat then sugar, soy sauce, chicken powder(add a bit of water if needed); then add pickled green mustard stir - cook for an extra 10 - 15 minutes add more sugar or fish sauce add needed.

When done add green onion and black pepper

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